The company BitGold has just recently announced its mobile one-time and recurring payment feature through its platform. Users can now send reserves of the shiny precious metal in digital form via Android and IOS systems. All transactions within the system are always settled in vaulted gold. As global markets crash today, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and precious metals like gold have remained solid investments. The faster we can transact with these assets the better.
Also read: Walter Isaacson: ‘There Will Always Be A Place For The Original Bitcoin’
“Gold has always been a great savings currency,” — Darrell MacMullin, CEO of BitGold
There are a few outfits who supply gold trading and crypto-exchanges through their platforms such as Vaultoro. The company enables users to convert their cryptocurrency into gold deposits. Attempts to create a digital currency using gold could possibly help Bitcoin’s stability, and there are those who really would like to meld the two together. Users operating with the Vaultoro application can also choose a 50/50 service that allows savings in both precious metals and cryptocurrency.
BitGold claims on their website that they have the best prices within the industry as they have over “ten physical brinks locations” giving users lower prices overall. As said above there have been attempted trials of moving bullion speedily online, but operations like eGold, for instance, have failed miserably. The reason that Bitcoin has done so well is possibly because it doesn’t carry the weight of reserves and the tethered aspects of precious metal markets. However, it is still a dream for many to integrate or even emulate the digital currency’s aspects with gold or silver. When the economy is looking like it is in turmoil people will be looking into superior safeguards like silver, gold and Bitcoin. But can there be an eGold-like system that can compete with the digital currency? Time will tell…
Will there ever be a gold platform that performs like Bitcoin? Let us know in the comments below.
Images courtesy of the BitGold website, Vaultoro website, and Wiki-Commons