Tonight, on The Andy Milonakis NFT Show: Our hero is now a respectable member of the NFT community. He’s active in the space, warns people about scams, and denounces spam. He proposes ideas and does giveaways through his popular Twitch stream. Something’s got to give. If you know this man, you know Milonakis is gearing up for tremendous irresponsibility. This man is a ticking timebomb.
Related Reading | The Andy Milonakis NFT Show, EP. 1 – Our Hero Falls Down The Rabbit Hole
That being said, let’s start this week’s The Andy Milonakis NFT Show with a gift.
Thanks to the people at @Trezor for mailing me this lovely thing that I had way better luck with than the one that shares a name with the now deceased actor that played the Joker in The Dark Knight.
— Andy Milonakis (@andymilonakis) September 24, 2021
As frequent viewers know, Milonakis has been trying to get a hardware wallet for a while now. He couldn’t get the other brand to work, so this brand snook in and took the publicity. Problem solved.
Anyway, here’s the show’s theme song as the credits roll.
— Andy Milonakis (@andymilonakis) September 8, 2021
Andy Milonakis, A Stand Up Member Of The NFT Community
Andy Milonakis protects and gives a timeless piece of advice, “never type in your seed/phrases to anyone.” Never. Under any circumstances.
Andy Milonakis denounces spam when he sees it.
801 Mints by spamming me, 888 and a bunch of other people on our opensea wallets. Thanks for making this place a trashy place, fucking shitlord
— Andy Milonakis (@andymilonakis) September 25, 2021
And he does it again.
More spam. I wish Opensea could ban people if they spam send to people's wallets
— Andy Milonakis (@andymilonakis) September 25, 2021
Not only that, he seconds proposals to regulate the space and sends ideas of his own. He wants other folders “besides just “favorites” because that doesn’t move the NFT.” This man’s working for all of you.
at least a folder called "incoming" also if there's a hidden folder, why can't there be other folders that aren't hidden that we can categorize our stuff? besides just "favorites" because that doesn't move the NFT
— Andy Milonakis (@andymilonakis) September 27, 2021
Plus, Milonakis corrects members of the community and their misguided calls to action.“By saying “seals give AM some love” it’s encouraging people to spam me on top of the hundreds of other spam messages I get every day.”
I already bought some seals, by saying "seals give AM some love" it's encouraging people to spam me on top of the hundreds of other spam messages I get every day. It's bad enough to get spammed by series I don't buy into, but please for the love of fucking god, stop this
— Andy Milonakis (@andymilonakis) September 27, 2021
We’ve been monitoring his tweets for the last month, and he does get hundreds of spam messages. Under every tweet.
Besides spam, Milonakis is very generous with the love he gives to projects in the space.
I'm happy for Ape Gang, Wicked Ape and The Wanderers for all starting to rise again, not only were these some of the first projects I bought, but also I didn't sell any of them :)
— Andy Milonakis (@andymilonakis) September 25, 2021
Ok, he invested in those projects. That’s another characteristic of the NFT space. It requires a community, but NFTs also incentivize the formation of said community by giving all of its members skin in the game. If a project catches fire, all of the project’s NFT holders benefit.
ETH price chart for 10/07/2021 on Exmo | Source: ETH/USD on
Milonakis Vs. The Internet Mall Cops
This is not going to stop. Every time Milonakis sells a piece, he gets called “paper hands” by someone.
dear "supa_raw" because although I love the groupies, I have 4 more included some animated ones so if I want to sell something because I need eth for a mint, I'll do so. Kindly mind your own business, internet mall cop
— Andy Milonakis (@andymilonakis) September 25, 2021
In episode 5, he dedicated a whole video to the cyber mall cops. This time, he does one better.
Check out this borpa episode i did a voice for one of the characters. Disclosure – not a paid gig, just a fan of the series, although they said they would make me an honorary non series borpa
— Andy Milonakis (@andymilonakis) September 25, 2021
In episode 6 we told you there was something big coming with Andy and the Borpacasso project, and here it is. A feature in the animated series that accompanies the NFT collection, in which Andy trashes the cyber mall cops. “Disclosure – not a paid gig, just a fan of the series, although they said they would make me an honorary non series borpa.”
Good Ideas And An Aniversary
Ok, so hear Andy out:
Film funded NFT project, comedy feature length film with NFT's being the biggest plotline in the movie but the movie's not "about" NFTS. Funded by selling a series of nfts. You like this idea or nah?
— Andy Milonakis (@andymilonakis) September 25, 2021
According to the comments, a lot of people and teams are working on similar ideas. You heard it first here, though. Remember that.
Then, Andy tried to abandon us by creating a separate account just to talk about NFTs. “I’m still gonna talk about bigger things in the space on my main account, but i wanna give my old school followers some rest with non stop NFT talk.”
I made a new twitter for just NFT talk —-> @cyberdork69 I'm still gonna talk about bigger things in the space on my main account, but i wanna give my old school followers some rest with non stop NFT talk. So follow @cyberdork69 and we can chat about NFTs
— Andy Milonakis (@andymilonakis) September 25, 2021
Sadly for his old school followers, Milonakis didn’t follow through with the idea. The account has a few tweets from the day he opened it and that’s it.
And just like that, Andy Milonakis NFT journey turns a month old.
Bought my first NFT on Opensea exactly 1 month ago. Thanks for all of the kind words, encouragement, support and help figuring things out. Much love
— Andy Milonakis (@andymilonakis) September 26, 2021
But here’s the reveal. This will make your stomach turn. As it turns out, Andy has spent 7.5 ETH in gas alone!
7.5 ETH not bad for a month
— Andy Milonakis (@andymilonakis) September 26, 2021
That’s approximately $26K at today’s prices. In gas alone! Yikes!
Just to clean up the palate, here’s an Andy Milonakis recommendation.
For me these "Superlatives" were just an instant buy because I just loved the look. I didn't mint but got them off the floor at .08 each 2 days ago. There are 11,000 of them and the floor is already .39. Super crazy to see how some stuff moves.
— Andy Milonakis (@andymilonakis) September 27, 2021
Bear in mind that, as always, this is not financial advice. Do your own research.
That being said, here’s a list of projects that Milonakis is eyeing.
NFTS I wanna buy list
Galaxy Fight Club
gen art
More groupies
World of Women
More Wanderers
More Monsterbuds
Creature World
Another baby Kongz and VX Kongz
More Lost Poets
More Sup ducks
More Toadz
If dips or find the right opportunity – a cool cat— Andy Milonakis (@andymilonakis) September 28, 2021
Let’s finish this section with something wholesome, our hero gave away “a mint pass for Gutter Gang species #4.”
In about an hour or two I'll be giving away a mint pass for Gutter Gang species #4 live on my twitch stream, it's free to enter, you don't need to follow or sub or RT. Totally free. Disclosure: To take part in this giveaway I was given a mint pass #ad
— Andy Milonakis (@andymilonakis) September 27, 2021
Didn’t you know the Gutter Gang is doing dogs and pigeons? Damn son, you’re out of the loop.
Bad Ideas And A Really Awful Idea Brewing
Things turn dark and Milonakis threatens the community. Something terrible is coming.
Fuck money, if I buy a series and people welcome me and post their pictures the first day, that's fair enough. If I get constantly bombarded for a week or two from that community, asking me to talk about, change my PFP, spamming images etc. I'm gonna just sell for .0001
— Andy Milonakis (@andymilonakis) September 27, 2021
And then Andy makes a promise/ bet that he’s not going to be able to get out of. He might win, though…
Jealous I don’t have a cool cat but for the record if Anonymice doesn’t hit 10eth floor within a month from this tweet. I’ll get one tattooed on my arm
— Andy Milonakis (@andymilonakis) September 26, 2021
And then he… and then he… boiled the hardware wallet that didn’t work? And minted an NFT of the picture? Geez, this man is losing control.
Feeling frisky tonight. I call this one Revenge. I made a folder in case i have random ideas for one off NFTs.
— Andy Milonakis (@andymilonakis) September 28, 2021
Milonakis also made “a folder in case i have random ideas for one off NFTs.” SPOILER ALERT: He’s going to get ideas. Very soon.
Of course, our hero understands the space. He promises value to his NFT holders. “These random 1 offs are going to be cool when I finally pop out a whole dope series.”
lol whoever just bought my pic of a ledger hard wallet being cooked in a pot. Thanks homie. These random 1 offs are going to be cool when I finally pop out a whole dope series. I'm not going anywhere, this is my life now haha
— Andy Milonakis (@andymilonakis) September 28, 2021
Notice that he finishes with “I’m not going anywhere, this is my life now haha.” The Andy Milonakis NFT show was just renewed for season two. Thank you all!
Related Reading | The Andy Milonakis NFT Show, EP. 2 – Our Hero Came, Saw, And Conquered
However, this is when it gets dark. “That’s why I’m selling my Mutant M2 ape for .01 ETH tonight.” Wait… what?
Guys, you've been too kind to me. I'm not a bored ape, I'm not a mutant ape. I'm a grinder, and I wanna work up to the big ticket items. That's why I'm selling my Mutant M2 ape for .01 ETH tonight. I feel very alive and this is a bigger buzz than 20K. I want to earn a BAYC
— Andy Milonakis (@andymilonakis) September 29, 2021
Wait, Andy! Don’t do it! Please, you’re not thinking clearly! This is a terrible idea! You’re going to regret it, don’t do it!
Tune in next time for the exciting conclusion to this saga.
Featured Image: The Andy Milonakis NFT Show logo featuring art by Milonakis himself | Charts by TradingViewSIGN UP FOR LIGHTCHAIN 2025 - BUY NOW