SFARDS (formerly Gridseed) Announced World’s First 28nm Bitcoin and Litecoin Dual-Algorithm ASIC Tapeout


Bitcoin Press Release: The SF3301 will be the next generation of dual-algorithm mining chips; the world’s first 28nm with the capability to mine SHA-256 and Scrypt simultaneously. The advantages of this ability translate to an extended period of effectiveness for the miner and increased profitability.

Beijing, China – Tape out of the company’s 28nm SF3301 ASIC is currently underway. By using FDSOI technology not currently present in any other chip on the market, power efficiency when mining with SHA-256 is predicted to reach below the 0.3 J/GH range, and 2.0 J/MH when mining with Scrypt.

The SF3301 is extremely versatile, allowing users to mine multiple currencies with one device. This means price fluctuations can be harnessed and miners being forced to turn off their miner is far less likely. A new situation can arise where altcoins are utilized to cover electricity costs while Bitcoin is continuously and simultaneously being mined.

This ability is something never seen before with 28nm technology; with the 28nm SF3301 unprecedented dual Scrypt and SHA-256 ASIC Bitcoin and Litecoin miners due to launch by April 2015.


Sfards is a Chinese crypto currency mining company, created from the merger between established cryptocurrency mining company Gridseed and WiiBox. The company is funded by angel investor Li Xiao Lai. In addition to this, Sfards has financial backing from the tier-one international VC firm Matrix Partners. Sfards’ primary focus and experience lies in ASIC Research, Miner Development, Data Center Management, and Cloud Services.

To learn more please go to: www.sfards.com

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Media Contact:

Name: Jack Niederer, Sfards International Development

Email: jack@sfards.com

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