Revain Crowdsale Update: $4 000 000 in the first day


A blockchain startup REVAIN that offers a new generation of online reviews started selling tokens on August 21 and the results are striking: 883 BTC accumulated during the first 6 hours with the total of 1052 BTC.

[Note: This is a sponsored article]

They note there was an unexpected server overload during the first several hours of crowdsale that resulted in technical issues preventing some of our investors to contribute that we had to work through on the spot. As of now the system is working properly and all the transactions are running smoothly. More than 500 000 requests to were registered.

REVAIN crowdsale is one of the few occasions where the investments coming in can be easily tracked and the verified online in real time. On the crowdsale page there is a proof section with a transaction table that displays all the transactions in real time. The most popular crypto our investors are using so far are BTC, ETH, DASH, ZCASH. We accept many other currencies as well, check out our crowdsale link for the full currency list and real time transactions table here:

The crowdsale will last till Sep 6, 2017. To take part follow these instructions:

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No wonder REVAIN is seeing such an amazing community engagement – a service like that has long been awaited and looks very organic being built on blockchain.  As we all know – one of the most appealing blockchain features is that the information encrypted into distributed database is impossible to be modified later on. And REVAIN is about to use this immutable blockchain feature and create the platform for user reviews to guarantee the inalterability of reviews at the same time stimulating users to produce quality reviews by an inner platform token. So technically it is a partially-decentralized token platform for building reputation.

And since REVAIN is directly connected to blockchain economy, the two major reviews areas would be ICO and cryptocurrency exchanges. Reviews about ICOs from investors and experts can be used by external rating systems and may help to draw to REVAIN professional industry experts. Later on the platform will be scaled up to other sectors: FMCG – cafes, hotels, etc – and e-commerce, which goes far beyond the blockchain community.

REVAIN architecture is made of a web-interface where users interact with an independent reviews database built on Ethereum.  The economical model suggests using two token types: an R-token for crowdsale and an RVN-token for transactions within the platform. R-token is to be sold on the exchange, while RVN-token is a stable coin created to level token’s volatile exchange rate.  RVN-token will be used to reward users for quality reviews and withdrawn from companies’ balance for those reviews. RVNs will also be deducted from any type of accounts in case there are any violations and misusages of the platform.

Scoring and reputational services have long proved to be super efficient among large circle of users., tripadvisor and foursquare meet the same user needs as REVAIN and the business-model has been around for quite a while. But unlike the simple idea of incentivizing active users, REVAIN is giving back direct motivation to the users within the platform by means of total control over the data being 100% sure about reviews authenticity.

REVAIN crowdsale is scheduled to last till September 6, 2017.

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