The company behind NXT is planning to make a name for its relatively unheard of cryptocurrency. NXT aims to remove the limitations currently restricting the blockchain, and create a transparent trading platform so people from around the world can have access to the currency. More importantly, the platform has also been received open-heartedly by investors and by those who represent prominent figures in the cryptocurrency market.
Disclaimer: This press release was provided by Bitcoin PR Buzz. Bitcoinist is not affiliated with NXT and is not responsible for its products and/or services.
Not long ago, a new version of the NXT software was released, which is bound to introduce a couple of exciting features, meant to improve security and the overall state of the platform. With this in mind, some of the new features that have been included are account authorisation via the issue of secure tokens, a reliable voting platform, enhanced data transfer and storage capabilities, multi-signature transactions, the possibility of tracking coins and much more. According to the developers and to the analysis which has been carried out, all of these new features will greatly improve the stability of the Bitcoin alternative, while also encouraging a larger number of people to go ahead and give Nxt a try.
Based on everything that has been mentioned so far, NXT is a great choice for any DAO, but also for individuals from all around the world. As its influence on the cryptocurrency market continues to expand, chances are that its user base will head towards the same direction in the near future.
About Bitcoin PR Buzz:
Bitcoin PR Buzz has proudly served the PR and marketing needs of cryptocurrency and Bitcoin tech start-ups for over 2 years.
Images: NXT and Bitcoin PR Buzz