NXT Launches Marketing Project, Codenamed “Project Tennessee”


NXT, one of the veteran 2nd generation cryptocurrencies, recently announced the launch of “Project Tennessee,” a coordinated marketing project that will help make NXT a more outstanding cryptocurrency in a market with an ever increasing demand for professionalism.  

Disclaimer: This article was provided by Bitcoin PR Buzz. Bitcoinist is not affiliated with NAC Foundation and is not responsible for its products and/or services.

Developed by the brainstorming of Bas “Damelon” Wisselink and Dave “EvilDave” Pearce, two NXT project veterans, Project Tennessee will be conducted alongside the NXT core dev team. According to the proposal document, found here, some of the goals that Project Tennessee plans to accomplish are to:

The total project is to be finished by Q3 of 2016 at the latest. Short term goals include overhauling NXTs website to streamline presence and SEO, create a strategy to interest potential NXT projects and investors, as well as strengthening connections with media contacts, as well as PR-related services.

Long term goals listed include the assistance of simple NRS software such as Lite clients and webwallets, as well as the integration of an in-house PR agency, solely for NXTs interest.

The entire budget is estimated to be $80,000-$100,000 for the entire project, shoestring compared to the millions of VC flowing into Bitcoin-related companies. This translates into a minimum of 10 million NXT that needs to be bought to cover both the salaries of the dev, as well as the actual budget for tasks at hand. With 5.5 million already secured, NXT believes they can raise the remaining 45% for a 12-month commitment.

The Original Press Release Source is Bitcoin PR Buzz

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