Now You Can Make Introductions At Scale – and Get Rewarded For It

Now You Can Make Introductions At Scale - and Get Rewarded For It

Ever had two friends, acquaintances or coworkers who you thought would make a great match, but you could just never quite figure out how to introduce them properly? Or maybe there’s a friend of a friend who is absolutely drop dead gorgeous, but it doesn’t seem right for you to ask to be introduced? Well, blockchain technology has finally made it possible. And it even pays its members for making valuable introductions…

Play Matchmaker For Friends and Strangers

Good connections are hard to make, and the smallest introductions can change lives. However, as it stands, there are few satisfactory ways to make valuable introductions.

That’s where the new decentralized blockchain app, Ponder, comes in to fill the gaps.

Instead of using an algorithm to match up couples like every other dating app out there, Ponder utilizes human connection to let users make the matches.

Undoubtedly, users are far better at predicting whether fellow users will be a compatible match than an algorithm will be. Generic algorithms are generally pretty appalling at predicting matches, and no online dating company has ever actually opened up about how effective their algorithms are.

As it stands, online dating isn’t working well. Less than 25% of online daters find a relationship. Even more shockingly, it is estimated that less than 2% of messages sent out by men are ever actually replied to.

It is hoped that by motivating users to invest more social capital into the online dating process and working to help each other, many of these problems will be resolved.

If two users who are matched decide that they like each other, they will each pay a fee of $10 in order to connect further. The matchmaker will then receive $10 for themselves, and the other $10 will be used to fund the application.

This amount will then be added to the user’s balance, which they can choose either to withdraw or to spend on finding matches for themselves. It is hoped that this will demonstrate the clear transfer of ‘value’ between matchmakers and matchees.

If the couple decide to meet up and they really hit it off and eventually decide to marry, the matchmaker will be sent $1,000.

If that isn’t an incentive to set up your friends, then what is?

Gamifying the Dating Process – And Making It More Fun!

The game mechanics and financial rewards out of this platform make matchmaking a fun and exciting process.

The unique drag and drop interface makes it easier than ever for users to match users together.

Token holders can even create sub-communities – for example, for users based in a certain area, or for those with specific hobbies – that they can matchmake within.

Not Just for Dating

While the main focus for Ponder is undoubtedly to help people find romance, the app also has many other uses.

It’s not just for dating – everyone can take part. Whether you’re solemnly single or in a committed relationship, there will be something for you to do.

Ponder is designed to be used to meet others in contexts where trust is a critical component. For example, recruiting new staff members, finding business partners, searching for roommates, and selecting babysitters or petsitters.

The platform’s ultimate vision is to become the go-to place for meeting new people in all contexts.

Utilizing Blockchain Technology

The platform will also feature the ‘Ponder Gold’ token in addition to its current ‘Ponder Dollars’ currency.

This will be an ERC-20 standard-based Ethereum token. They can be purchased during the upcoming token sale, or within the application in the near future.

Its benefits include:

Due to the technology behind the application, all information about the users will be collected and transferred securely and transparently.

Before gaining access to Ponder tokens, users will be required to pass through the Civic identity management platform. This is designed to increase the feeling of safety within the application’s ecosystem.

It is hoped that merging blockchain with online dating will make the process safer, more fun, and ultimately more fulfilling in the future.

What are your thoughts on Ponder? Are you more likely to want to meet someone that a computer matched you up with or someone to whom you were introduced by another person? Let us know in the comments below.

Images courtesy of Ponder, Pexels, AdobeStock

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