Blackcoin Wallet Now Allows Custom Stealth Addresses


The Black Chamber, a development team that produces Blackcoin features, has announced a new addition to Blackcoin’s Wallet Obsidian. Users will now be able to customize their public stealth addresses with pseudonyms, allowing them to have memorable addresses without compromising their privacy.

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Addresses can be customized using any language that can be typed, which opens up many possibilities. For instance, Blackcoin-using companies can utilize this feature to create an address with the company name; the ability to use any language would even allow a business or organization to have a country or region-specific address. According to The Black Chamber, this new functionality is unique to Blackcoin. The team was unable to find any system with a customizable stealth address feature, including Bitcoin.

The Black Chamber believes this new Wallet Obsidian feature is a “game-changer” because:

“Individuals, businesses, merchants can now easily use and advertise a name, catchphrase, brand or any custom string of characters to receive payments anonymously. Now you can choose whatever characters or numbers you wish for a customized pseudonym to receive stealth payments to a posted Blackcoin public address.   As with other stealth addresses, third parties will be unable to know the amounts received by a posted pseudonym generated through Obsidian. . .There are no limits to how this can be used.”

After updating Wallet Obsidian, users will see three new icons on the wallets interface screen. One button initiates the process of registering a pseudonym with the network, which requires a deposit 100 Blackcoins. Currently, there is no deregistration feature, so the deposit is not “immediately retrievable.” However, a deregistration feature is planned — its priority will depend on community feedback. After the pseudonym is registered, Obsidian will scan the Blackcoin blockchain for payments being sent to custom stealth addresses; upon finding such a payment, obsidian extracts the necessary information to construct the address. At this point in time, there can only be one pseudonym per wallet, but a feature to allow multiple pseudonyms is planned.

The instructions for updating Wallet Obsidian are as follows:

Instructions for Update Installation:

If you have not already downloaded Wallet Obsidian, go to:

If you have already downloaded and installed Wallet Obsidian, follow these steps:

  1. Download the update.
  2. Start Obsidian.
  3. Click the wrench in the bottom left and in the developer tool screen
  4. In the developer tool screen, type: localStorage.lastBlackCount = 710300
  5. Press “[ENTER]”
  6. Restart Obsidian.
  7. As a test, type “jprichardson” and the address will be in green type to show a registered stealth address.

This process is only for those who already downloaded and installed Obsidian.  Users new to Obsidian who have not downloaded and installed the prior version do not have to follow this process.

What do you think about this new feature? Let us know in the comments below!

Image: Reddit


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