A new celebrity joins the Bitcoin enthusiasm. This time around, Maria Carey paired up with Gemini, the leading cryptocurrency platform funded by Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss, on a new campaign that aims to use her influence on women around the world to encourage their learning about the possibilities of crypto investment.
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Mariah Carey has long cared about women’s financial empowerment. She recently published a video on her Instagram where she talks about her collaboration with Gemini along with giving out the code ‘mariah’ that can be used to sign up to the platform and receive $20 worth in bitcoin to use on a first investment.
The video has an educational approach, aiming to boost curiosity and demystify common fears and misconceptions about Bitcoin investment. She starts by saying “Did you know that you don’t need to buy a whole Bitcoin to invest? In fact, you can buy as little as five dollars to get started on Gemini.”
There is a clear intention of reaching a demographic of people who are not wealthy and can benefit from investing in cryptocurrencies. The singer also claims that her understanding of crypto investments is thanks to Gemini’s free educational resources like Cryptopedia.
The Numbers Of Crypto-curious Women Are Going Up
Maria Carey also explained that a portion of the trading profits made using her code on the platform will be given to Black Girls Code, a non-profit organization that aims to achieve equal representation in the tech sector by empowering women of color to enter the digital space and teach them skills to become innovators in the STEM field.
The demographic that the Winklevoss twins want to reach is clear: women of different classes looking forward to learning how to invest in bitcoin. Rolling Stone reported on their website that Tyler Winklevoss has previously said that:
Cryptos like Bitcoin and Ether were two of the best-performing assets of the last decade. Our goal at Gemini is to help educate you on the promise of crypto and make it simple, easy, and safe for you to engage in this new asset class
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The magazine also pointed out the great number of women that showed interest in cryptocurrency, as portrayed in Gemini’s 2021 State of U.S. Cryptocurrency Report.
the number of crypto investors is set to double this past year, along with a growing number of what the company calls the “crypto-curious.” Gemini says 53 percent of the crypto-curious (…) were women.
A survey by S&P Global back in August showed that only 26% of American women invest in the stock market, which appears to be due to a general fear of the risks. With campaigns such as this one, and organizations like Black Girls Code, women might be on the verge of surpassing their Bitcoin curiosity and taking the lead.
The Cryptopedia platform is playing a great role in educating about Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, which can become potentially good for the market as many continue to join and benefit from it.